How To Create a Print Ready PDF In Adobe Photoshop?

 Step 1: Click File "Save As"


Step 2: Select the Folder you want to save in and click "Save"

Step 3: In the "Save Adobe PDF" window in the "General" section select the drop down menu marked "Adobe PDF Preset" and scroll down to [Press Quality] as shown below.


Step 4: In the "Save Adobe PDF" window in the "General" section select the drop down menu marked "Standard" and select the "PDF/X-1a:2001" option as shown below.

Step 5: In the "Save Adobe PDF" window in the "Compression" section, makes sure the text fields in "Options" read the same as the image below.

Step 6: Once you have completed step 5, click "Save PDF" at the bottom right hand corner of the window.