Do You Have Any Templates For Setting Up Artwork?

We have templates for almost all the products on our website. You can find the templates in 2 ways:

 1. On the Product Page click on Template Tab. This will display all the templates related to that product.

2. Or Click on Help->Layout Templates

For custom jobs or products that are not on our website, please create the file based on the following guidelines:

  1. Save the file as a PDF (PDF/X-1a standard at 300 dpi) 
  2. BLEEDS: For documents that have bleeds, make sure to extend the document by 1/8" or o.125" all around. So for example if the finished document size is 8.5x11", and it has bleeds then the PDF document size should be 8.75"x11.25" 
  3. NO BLEEDS: If there are no bleeds then save the file size the same as the finished document size. So an 8.5x11" document should be 8.5x11" (final size). 
  4. SAFE AREA: Make sure to keep all the text at least 1/8" inside the finished trim size. So for an 8.5x11 document make sure all the text is within 8.25x10.75"