Download the template file for the front, back, left chest, and right chest in Illustrator (AI), Photoshop, or PDF file format.
Step 1:
- Begin your design on the layer labeled “My Artwork”.
- Place your text & images within the designated area.
- The ideal resolution is true 300 dpi at 100% to size. But 200 dpi is usually OK.
- Make sure to outline all fonts if applicable.
Position your artwork within the printable area so it is properly placed on the chest of the T-shirt.
Using Images in your design?
- Minimum of 200 dpi resolution at the Print Size.
- PNG file format with transparent background
How to Make sure your Image will Look Crisp?
Viewing your artwork on the screen at 250% magnification will give you a good idea about how clear it will be when printed. As you can see the pixilation which occurs at a lower dpi.
Resolution versus Size: For a sharp print quality any image you place on the template needs to be at a min. of 200 dpi at the size you want to print (300 dpi is ideal).
Do NOT do this: Take a 72 dpi image (say from the web) into Photoshop and only change the resolution to 200 dpi. Remember!! Size is inversely proportional to resolution, which means if you have a 4x6 image at 72 dpi, and you want to make it print compatible i.e. increase the resolution to the min. of 200 dpi, i.e. 2.8 times (200/72) then the image size will be 1.4” x 2.2” (2.8 times smaller than 4x6)
Always use Photoshop to crop your image to size and make sure the resolution is at least 200 dpi but no more than 300 dpi. Then use the image on the template along with other text and art.
What is Transparent Background and Why Do we need one?
To find out if your image file has a transparent background, open your image in Photoshop. If you see a grey checkered pattern behind your image (as shown below) then the image has a transparent background. If you see a white background, put a colored background behind it. The white background should change to that color. If it does then the art has a transparent background.
Having a transparent background will make sure the printing looks fine and does not print with a unexpected background. See the black shirt below where the logo has a transparent background (Correct) and one without (Incorrect).
If your design involves text, it is required that you outline your text so that there are no font issues when we open the files on our end.
- In Illustrator: Select all of your text and press: Type > Create Outlines
- In Photoshop: Select your text layer, right-click and select “Rasterize Type”

Step 3:
Once your artwork is complete you will then save the file as...
- In Illustrator: Save as an Ai, EPS or PDF format.
- In Photoshop: save the file with only 2 layers. The print layer contains your art and the template layer for reference.
Then you can upload the art to the order.