What is No Proof, Print AS IS?

Your job will be sent directly to Press and if there any issues with your artwork, your job will NOT be put on hold and will be printed AS IS. It is highly recommended that you order a PDF Proof or a Hard Copy Proof (if available).

Please select this option ONLY if you are 100% sure that the artwork is Print Ready.

Some of the factors which can cause file issues are:
  1. Low Resolution Images
  2. No (or not enough) Bleeds
  3. Text or important graphics outside the safe zone.
  4. Transparency related Issues.
  5. Missing Fonts and images
  6. Wrong Color Space
  7. and more...
The above are some of the major issues we come across every day in our pre-press department. 

Note: By choosing this option you are giving up the following:
  1. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee does not apply to jobs
  2. You are releasing us from being liable for any reprint or refund if the job was not completed as per your satisfaction and the reason for that was due to bad artwork.