Primo PDF is a utility for
Windows based computers which allows you to produce print quality PDFs
from any application including Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point
- Please download the utility and install it.
- From the application in which you are designing your artwork, like Microsoft Word, Power Point, Publisher - go to File->Print
- Choose the Primo PDF printer.
- Click on Print. Make sure to do the Page Setup properly.
- You will see the following dialog (the following is for PrimoPDF V4 -later version may look different):

- Select the Pre-Press Setting.
- Click on the Save As button to choose a directory and file name for the PDF.
- Click on "Create PDF" to start the conversion process.
- You have now converted your file to a proper PDF which can be uploaded to a Print Papa order.
Article ID: 57, Created: 10/29/2010 at 11:18 AM, Modified: 12/27/2012 at 12:24 PM